David Bain.

The distressing thing about the David Bain case is that there are many more cases like that where people have been convicted of murder on the shonkiest of evidence. Take for example the case of Gail Maney who is serving a sentence of life imprisonment for the murder of Dean Fuller Sandys in 1989. She was convicted of murder at her first trial but this was over-turned because the Trial Judge did not put the defence adequately to the jury. She was convicted again at a retrial in 2005. On appeal to the Court of Appeal one of the appeal court judges was the judge who failed to put her defence at the original trial. Does that sound fair to you.Three court appeal judges.You need two to win and one of the judges was the previous trial judge. Fuller Sandys was allegedly murdered by Steven Stone at the behest of Gail Maney in the garage of her Henderson house in 1989. His body was never found. His car was found at a west coast beach some time after he disappeared. It was alleged that he was diverted to the Henderson house on his way out to the west coast for a spot of fishing. Significantly though his fishing gear was found on the beach a fact covered up by the police at Henderson. On the Crown case whoever drove his car out to the coast must have then thrown his fishing gear around on the beach. He was allegedly murdered because he had burgled Gail Maneys house and stolen drugs and clothing. There is consderable doubt though as to whether this burglary occurred before or after he went missing. If it occurred afterwards the whole police case is fanciful. One of the major trial witnesses recently recanted her evidence and this was the basis of Gails most recent appeal. However the Court of appeal once again determined itself to be judge jury and executioner and decided that the witness lacked credibility but that nevertheless her earlier evidence was true. Is that not a question for a jury to decide. Just shows you what the fate of David Bain would have been if he elected to take his case to the NZ Supreme Court instead of the Privy Council. touche!


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I am a friend of gail maney..have known her for over 20yrs..setup by police absolutely..caused me to have a complete lack of faith in our justice system being there to tell the truth

    1. Anonymous1:34 AM

      is this forum still active after all these years i see tania retracted her evidence what about coroline or is it carolyn


  2. Anonymous10:26 PM

    I have no doubt that my sister was involved in this and my brother was an accomplice. He was her puppet and did what he was told. Justice was done and she is where she can't hurt anyone else right now including me. I have been on the receiving end of her assaults for many years and know just how cold blooded and calculating she can be. The minute she tried to shut my brother up when he was threatening me the night he smashed my face in at xmas I knew she was guilty without a doubt.

  3. krystie maney2:16 AM

    you have no doubt that that your sister was involved in this what kind of a sister are. that women gail maney is my mother so you must be the aunty ive never meet.great start do you realise that this was the first and only so far,case to be trailed without a body.if uncle colin and mum are so horrible and guilty how come it was you that was left out of the will?????

  4. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Im with Krystie....Yes you are Gails sister..but you had no part in trial and really know nothing of the circumstances other than what police told you..Being born of the same mother does not make u family or in anyway knowledgable!!
    ..This case was a joke and Mark Franklin has been proven to be a liar..and a drug addict!..His time in court is now coming.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Hi there. I am after info on mark franklin.. i believe my mother was murdered and it was covered up as an accidental car fire..

    2. Anonymous1:52 AM

      can you tell me more

  5. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Im with Krystie....Yes you are Gails sister..but you had no part in trial and really know nothing of the circumstances other than what police told you..Being born of the same mother does not make u family or in anyway knowledgable!!
    ..This case was a joke and Mark Franklin has been proven to be a liar..and a drug addict!..His time in court is now coming.

  6. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Hi my name is Sarah and I am researching a documentary for TV about how families cope with a family member inside. I would really like to speak to Gails family or families of female prisoners.

    please contact me at sarah@gibson.co.nz

  7. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I was a confidante and close friend of Leah in the mid-80's. Such a gorgeous person through and through. We drifted apart after our lives took different paths. We spent hours talking about her family.. her childhood... some incredibly sad and similarly shared experiences. My ensuing life could so easily have mirrored hers. All these years later I still think of her often..hence another randomly-timed search for her on the internet. Love you Leah xx

  8. Gail didn't do it she was set up .
    I have read pages and pages about the case.

  9. Don't give up Gail .

  10. Thinking of you Gail


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