The Serious Fraud Office.

Yo I should set up business as a clairvoyant.
Two days after I predicted the demise of the Serious Fraud Office the ship went down.
Ahh but you must have had inside knowledge I hear you say.
No the only knowledge I had was this: any business must have a point of difference to survive and the SFO had no point of difference from the Police consequently they were liquidated.
The SFO was set up to tackle serious and complex fraud.
By descending into the political arena witness the prosecution of Donna Awatere which they have done over the last 12 years they signed their own death warrant.
Silly people they thought they were smart and they turned out to be real dumb.
What a great Xmas present for all the finance companies that are going down.
They might have lost everybodies money but at least they wont go to prison.
As for the organized crime agency to be run by the police thats great news for me.
It increases my chances of securing an acquittal by at least 50%.
Thats got to be good for ya.
As they say jail is where the big criminals put the little criminals.
