who really cares?

I think the country is still asleep from the election or was it the world cup? Probably both. Wow the exciting news today is that Peter Dunne is going to continue as the Minister of Inland Revenue. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Help I can't stay awake. Does anyone really care who is going to be leader of the opposition. The country just wants to party on what little money they have left. Good luck to them. Labour are not getting the message.  What they dont realize is that Helen Clark with Phil Goff as Minister led the most arrogant government in recent NZ history. Arrogant in the sense that they managed to alienate just about everyone who could previously be counted on to tick the box. Their brand is under shit mountain. I suggest they change the name. It couldnt get any worse. Or just merge with the Green Party. But really who gives a fuck. Just do nothing and wait til the electorate dies of boredom. The minor parties are gonna get bigger and bigger.  
