my blog looks better

Hmm someone tweeted I was a fucking disgrace. Better to be spat at than yawned at I say. The post that has done the best is the one that relates to Gail Maney. I am not sure whether that was because the post mentioned David Bain.There are many  cases in New Zealand and no doubt around the rest of the world. Many people are serving long prison terms for crimes they did not committ. This post goes out to all of them. There should be a major royal commission into the police in New Zealand, Top of the list should be all those people who were falsely imprisoned on the word of undercover drug agents who gave perjured evidence in court. I can say I have looked at a number of court cases in Auckland itself and wondered how the result was achieved. There should be an inquiry into the David Tamihere case. Just wondering how long people will put up with being told by Courts that their houses can be sold at mortgagee sale for whatever the bank wants. People are not stupid and they don't want to be told stupid things.
