Hi there feel free to check out the rest of my blog. I have just spent the last five years defending two people arrested as part of Operation 8. Initially they were arrested and held without bail while the Solicitor General decided whether they could be charged under the Suppression of Terrorism Act. A month after their arrest the Solicitor General decided that there was insufficient evidence to charge anyone arrested under the Terrorism Supression Act. Initally the 18 people arrested were charged with offences under the Arms Act. At a later date 5 of the 18 were indicted for participating in an organized criminal group. Of these five one person died before trial. Four people of whom I acted for one were put on trial for participating in an organized criminal group and arms act offences. The Crown could not get the jury to convict on the organized criminal group charge which was by far the most serious charge the group faced and the Solicitor General subsequently stayed the indictment on that count.The other 14 people of whom I also acted for one were discharged after the Supreme Court ruled evidence inadmissible against them.
So if you are facing serious criminal charges and you need a serious criminal lawyer call me now.
So if you are facing serious criminal charges and you need a serious criminal lawyer call me now.
Thanks to share your personal criminal defence lawyer journey.I think situations are more affected for the criminal stage.It really very struggle stage when arrest by police and continue case by high court.