Hone Harawira

Sometimes people get frustrated and say mean things about people. We all do it.The Nga Puhi claim to the Waitangi tribunal includes a claim for sovereignty. People get tired of the monolithic institutional arrogance that comes out of those who believe they are god appointed  to own the country. It really is quite boring. You come up against it all the time. Its a type of reptilian watchfulness. You can sometimes experience it from some members of the Judiciary who have a chip on their shoulder. Whose side are you on boy. I will tell you which side I am on and its not the arrogant bureaucratic passive agressive side. Its the side that will ensure that my kids dont grow up in a country at war with itself like Fiji or South Africa or Syria to take an extreme example. Its the side where everyone is educated in their own language. The side which doesnt feed on its own people. People are tired of people who are so arrogant that they assume people dont know what they are up to. Everyone owes a huge debt to those people whose actions resulted in a process of social reconciliation in this country. Everyone is riding on their backs and their personal sacrifice and hard work. Just get over it. Their actions have ensured the long term survival of social peace but the upshot is that soon the troll toll will have to be paid. And that toll will be a constitutional system that shares parliamentary power jointly and evenly between Maori and Pakeha. Not a system that relies on divying up population numbers and dolling out parliamentary seats in proportion but a system where each has the same amount of power.The alternative will be no constitution at all and we know what that looks like. And anything less will be no constitution at all.
