Often when you are facing criminal charges you have never been in court before and it is all extremely intimidating and strange. A criminal lawyer with extensive trial experience is used to the court environment and will often have appeared before the presiding judge many many times. For instance I first appeared in an auckland court in 1984 and it is now 2012. The court sytem is just that with a procedure and language all of its own. You really need the benefit of a legal translator to know whats going on. The procedure is extremely complicated and you need a lawyer to help you through it. The real benefit of having a lawyer who has lateral thinking ability is to look into all of the issues surrounding your case not just the obvious ones. Feel free to give me a call for further advice on your case. Ring me now on 0274870347 or text me on the same number or email me on acquit@xtra.co.nz. Jeremy Bioletti Serious fraud specialist.
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