In retrospect.

9/11 was certainly a major world event but looking back on what has occurred since can you really say that the response has been proportionate to what occurred on that day. This is with out any way seeking to minimise the human tragedy and misery of that day. But just as it is impossible to measure the loss of human life has what has occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan since been justified. You would have to answer no as two wrongs dont make a right. The loss of life in these two wars has been catastrophic and you have to ask for what purpose. And then on top of the human misery and loss of life is the rampant damage to the rule of law in the West and the consequent surveillance of us all in the name of the war on the terror. I am sorry I think its all a complete con. A massive shock doctrine in action. And still we have a silly msm media who get caught up in the pop topics of the day and miss the point that we are no longer interested in what they want us to be interested in. We all have our own interests which we can research and find out about ourselves.


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