Decline in Court independence.

I went to court for a client and asked that at his next appearance he actually be brought to court rather than appear by a stupid avl link. The lovely DCJ graciously referred me to the Chief Justices comments. Having reread them they are so true. Of course I would go a little further as I am freer than her albeit not so well placed. The integration of courts with cops and corrections and the PDS is an idealogically driven position to reduce dissent. AVL links or video links where defendants appear in court via video rather than in person are a deliberate move to isolate defendants from their lawyers.They directly cause detriment to the client lawyer relationship. Defendants are completely on their own in prison. Avl maintains that isolation. They are a breach of the principle that a person be able to face their accuser. Of course the major move was shifting legal defence inside a government department. Thats very blurry.
