They were a crew of friends who had gone to school together. The kids who left early weren't going further, needed to make money to survive. The town was small. She couldn't go to work today. Louie was sick, and she couldn't get anyone to look after him. Davo was grumpy but liked her, so he got Brian to cover. She stuck around the house till the afternoon then took Louie to the doctor. It was expensive, and she doesn't get paid until next week but needed peace of mind. Driving home past the bar but not stopping, Cecilia waved. She was outside doing the umbrellas. Louie was still sick this morning. Should she take another day? Cassie offered to be with him, so she went in for the afternoon shift. There were a few customers. It got rowdy later. Back home, Louie beamed. His temperature had dropped. He likes Cassie. She would not cope without her. Not needed at work today, so she drove over to Hamilton and checked out the op shops; bought cool shorts and a halter top. There wasn't much decent stuff there for kids. Home at three, Cassie was waiting. Had a night out with Brian. Hope Cassie doesn't get pregnant. She should be careful. Loves children, though; she admired Cassie for that. Brian called this morning about Friday and Saturday. She said yes; for the money. Cassie said she would babysit Louie for her. So grateful. Cassie is so kind; She wished she had more friends just like her. Everyone is out for themselves these days. Should be able to flick her cash, she thought, as the rent is not til next week. It’s hard to save. She was always going back to zero. Last night was chaos. There was a big game in Hamilton. We didn't have enough people. She was keen to do whatever, but Davo wanted her behind the bar. Punters lined up to buy drinks from her. Must be that halter top. She didn't mind. There was a tip jar. She got home at two. It took an hour to clean up. There were a few drinks. Shouldn't have driven home though, need to up her game. She would drive to the coast tomorrow morning and have a swim. work till five so got all day. Might do Raglan. Another big night. There was a guy in the bar. He's been twice before. An Aucklander passing through. Seems to enjoy relaxing on the couch out front. Way older than her, but nice blue eyes. The bar was full later. Lots of rugby boys. The town would close without them. They were pleasant and well-behaved. Noone hassled her. Talked to Tony. He knows someone who can fix the roof for her. Not going thru the landlords will just get it done herself. Tony says it would cost fuck all and keep the floor from rotting through. Hooray. The ex called in today. Boo. She did not let him in. They talked on the doorstep. He wanted to see Louie, but she lied and said he was asleep. She didn't want to tell him he was at creche. He would want to know where. The less he knows, the better. She doesn't want his bitch mother on her back. She can just fuck off. Perhaps he could tell she was hungover. He was okay, though. It still made her sad or puzzled how she ever got involved with such a douche bag. She saw Mark at work. He said there are heavy guys up at the subdivision where he is working. It’s left as you come into town. He said they turn up and pay the contractors working on the houses there. Good payers, though. Everyone always gets paid on time. In cash. She wondered about that. There were big notes coming over the bar at work. Davo said never look a gift horse in the mouth. He told her to roll them up and put them in his bag in the office. Today Davo said he had an offer for the bar. The new owners wanted staff to stay. It was one of those offers he could not refuse. She said wow that good, eh? He seemed stressed and happy. The buyer took over in a week. She spent three days tidying everything up. Tradies built a stage in the back bar. Things were leaping. Cassie said it sounds like hot money. What Cassie was getting at. Not to worry. Just see what happens. She talked to Tony at work today. He was very unhappy. He didn't want to say what was upsetting him. She could tell it must be serious. He is so relaxed about things. She didn't push him. He rang her that night and told her he had resigned. He would not say why. She assumed it's to do with the new owners. He told her to look after herself. Such a pity that he was leaving. He went way back. They started intermediate together. The situation at work made her jumpy. She couldn't take time off though. Needed to pay the rent. Tonite, there is a big opening party at the Bar. They changed the name and wanted to give it a launch. She was there to do the work. It was their gig. She could see why Tony left. The vibe had changed. She missed the old times. The owner wanted word out for staff like her. She said she would talk to some friends. He was hot-looking. Made her blush.
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