new zealand so named by a dutch guy who sailed past the coast three hundred years ago. a country named by a random act. you go left to oz right to chile and diagonally right for twelve hours to la where you arrive the day before you left I think. nz is controlledby a small clique of English people under the auspices of a ninety year old queen. the indigenous population was brutally suppressed when their land was taken from them. that process is continued today through policies that steal generations and lock up Maori at a fast rate. so that's the general drift. children of the white elite succeed to similar positions and the cycle goes on. the social devastation is factored into the cost as domination is cheaper than power sharing. the cor0na virus has forged new political allegiances between those who subscribe to the government approach which is generally to isolate the country from the rest of the world. that approach has definitely suppressed the incidence of illness but at the same time has released an underlying national melancholy. any case of the illness is treated as a serious loss. the major political parties are very similar adopting over the last twenty years a do nothing approach disguised by occasional diversionary referendums. when it comes to major political issues like who owns the land the political and legal approach is largely whites unite.
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